The Teaching Behavior Together Podcast
The Teaching Behavior Together Podcast
4 Must Have Social Emotional Learning Read Alouds
Hi everyone and welcome to this episode of the teaching behavior together podcast, today we are going to chat about some of my favorite SEL read alouds. These are must haves for your classroom bookshelves. All of the books will be linked in the description of this podcast. You will be using my amazon affiliate link so I do benefit monetarily from your purchase if you choose to use that link.
The first book or really book set is the Little Spot of Emotions book set. This is an 8 book series with books about happiness, kindness, anger, sadness, etc. The books are great when you are introducing emotions and can be an essential addition to a classroom library.
The next book set would be the Worry Woos. These are a series of books about emotions and provide students with strategies for managing those emotions. They also come with plush toys that could be a great addition to your classroom. These books are super fun and engaging for all of your students.
I also highly recommend the Kids Book About books. You can pick from so many topic areas like empathy, anxiety, sharing, etc. You can look through all of the topics and pick which ones you are interested in. The books are great for some of the more challenging topics to talk about with your students as they provide the language needed to talk about these topics.
My fourth recommendation would be the What Should Darla or What Should Danny Do books. These are books about decision making and power of choices. The books come with multiple stories making them perfect for a series within your classroom.
I have included links for all of these books in the description below.
Little Spot Books https://www.dianealber.com/
Worry Woos https://www.worrywoos.com/
A Kids Book About https://akidsco.com/
What Should Danny Do https://www.whatshoulddannydo.com/
Resources Discussed in this Episode
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