The Teaching Behavior Together Podcast
The Teaching Behavior Together Podcast
Q & A: What Does My School Based FBA Process Look Like?
On this episode of the podcast I answer some frequently asked questions. I usually will ask over on Instagram if anyone has questions, they would like to be answered on the podcast, so if you have questions, go follow me over on Instagram so you can get your questions answered on the next Q an A episode.
In this episode I answer questions such as what my school based FBA/BIP process looks like. This is such a great question, because often this can look different from a home or clinic based FBA/BIP. Because I get this question all the time, I decided to create a school based FBA/BIP training for educators to learn about this process so that they can maximize the success of their students. If you are interested in that training, join my email list so you are the first to know when the training launches!
Another question I get all the time is how to find a BCBA supervisor in schools. This can be pretty tricky, and while BCBAs are working more and more in schools, there still are not enough of us in schools. A lot of teachers would like to become BCBAs but have a hard time finding supervisors. In the episode I talk about four different ways you can find a school based BCBA supervisor so you can get going on completing your hours and bring quality behavioral instruction to your school and district.
If you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel like you are broken record in your classroom and giving the same prompts over and over again. I’ve got you covered, I answer this question and how I would address this problem in your classroom so you can spend more time teaching and less time reminding. The strategy? Well it involves two parts, using visual or gestural prompts and teaching self-monitoring skills to our students, hear all about this in the episode right now!
Lastly, I answer the pressing question of what to do if you work in a school or are on a team where staff do not want to use rewards. This can be pretty tricky. I typically recommend talking with your multidisciplinary team and really determining what is best for the student. I also recommend sharing with the team the big picture related to rewards and reinforcement. Our goal is usually to teach the student skills so they contact naturally occurring reinforcement and the rewards that we are using in the beginning of our programming will be faded out over time so that the behavior is maintained by naturally occurring reinforcers.
I love answering all of you questions, so make sure you are following me over on Instagram so you see the next time I am doing a Q and A episode!
Resources Discussed in this Episode
Free Behavior Intervention Guide
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